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935 Boulevard Gouin Est
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Robin Simard photographe, Art Photo, galerie photo en ligne, art photo galery

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Démarche artistique

© Robin Simard Photographe.
Titre: Le temps passe une seule fois. Parc-de-la-Mauricie Qc Canada

De photo en photo, la démarche artistique de Robin Simard est particulièrement influencée par ses contacts avec la nature et l’humain. L’artiste s’ouvre aux vibrations qui l’entourent pour les remodeler en images, entre figuration et abstraction. Il ne crée pas un idéal ou une reproduction de la nature, il propose un dialogue avec le spectateur dans un espace intemporel.

From one picture to another, Robin Simard’s artistic approach is particularly centred on the emotions felt when he is meeting with nature and the human being. The artist is opening himself to the vibrations surrounding him in order to remodel them in images, moving between representation and abstraction. He does not try to create an ideal or to reproduce nature itself. He is, rather, tending to shape a personal universe from his interaction with the environment around him.  He is proposing a dialogue with the spectator, underlining what is other in the time as in the space.